
I hope as I am beginning my path as an architect to maintain my stance regarding nature and the importance of its presence in our living spaces. 

I hope that at some point in my career I will have enough experience and prestige to tackle urban projects on a large scale, such as Tijuana’s River, which could be a project that resolves many social problems in the city as I envision it. 


I dream of a time when my city is a utopia, a time when my brothers and sisters are educated, where they lack nothing not because everything is given to them, but because everyone is capable of participating in our community and getting valued by their work. A time when people respect others and most importantly themselves enough not to litter, and not destroy our home. A time when contaminating nature is a thing of the past, where there was destruction, I want creation. 

I dream of creating projects that outlast my existence and outlast their own. Projects that respect nature, and cohesively work along with it to create an ideal habitat for humans. Architecture that responds to its user and his needs, guiding him and liberating him from the redundancy of everyday life by transporting his mind to a better place. A place remembered forever as that which held them and nursed them, their home, their nest. 

Tijuana River

It only takes a moment to see what is wrong with this scenery, we as humans have abused our power, and taken away everything to satisfy our greed. It is time to give back to our mother that which is rightfully hers.

Native American proverb:

“When the last tree has been cut, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

Franklin D Roosevelt:

“A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.”

Frank Lloyd Wright

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”

My hopes and dreams are what push me to be an architect, without them I would be a shell of my former self, one more of the bunch.


Architect Carlos A. De la Madrid




Nest Studio